class PriorityDequeue(T)

Included Modules

Defined in:

Constant Summary

VERSION = "0.1.0"


Instance Method Summary

Constructor Detail

def : UInt32 = 0, compare_fn : T, T -> Int32 = ->(a : T, b : T) do a <=> b end) #

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Instance Method Detail

def <<(elem : T) #

Add a new element, maintaining priority.

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def add(elem : T) #

Add a new element, maintaining priority.

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def cap : UInt32 #

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def del_at(index : UInt32) : T #

Delete and return element at index. Indices are in the same order as iterator, which is not necessarily priority order.

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def dump(io : IO) #

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def ensure_total_capacity(new_capacity : UInt32) #

Ensure that the dequeue can fit at least new_capacity items.

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def ensure_unused_capacity(additional_count : UInt32) #

Ensure that the dequeue can fit at least additional_count more items.

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def peek_max : T | Nil #

Look at the largest element in the dequeue. Returns nil if empty

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def peek_min : T | Nil #

Look at the smallest element in the dequeue. Returns nil if empty.

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def pop_max : T | Nil #

Pop the largest element from the dequeue. Returns nil if empty.

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def pop_min : T | Nil #

Pop the smallest element from the dequeue. Returns nil if empty.

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def push(elem : T) #

Add a new element, maintaining priority.

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def size : UInt32 #
Description copied from module Indexable(T)

Returns the number of elements in this container.

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def unsafe_fetch(index) : T #

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def update(old_elem : T, new_elem : T) #

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